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All Photography Thanks To

James Newton

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Join the Friends' Association, formed in 1936 
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Who Are The Friends

The Association of Friends was formed in 1936 to “provide a means of binding together in friendship those who, loving Lincoln Cathedral, wish to bear a part in supporting its life and worship."


There are now well over 1200 members from all parts of the world and we hope that you will join us.


Members receive two mailings a year, with news of cathedral life, an Annual Report and an opportunity to participate in our events. Membership benefits include free access to the cathedral, including a floor tour, on the production of a current membership card.  All members are entitled to a discount in the cathedral café and, in addition, life members receive a discount in the cathedral shop.


The Association is proud of the part it has been able to play, both in providing finance for those areas of the cathedral which would otherwise receive little funding, and also in giving extensive financial support towards major projects.

Recent projects have included conservation of the St Hugh's sanctuary carpet, support for the restoration of the Father Willis Organ and refurbishment of the Lay Vicars' vestry and the soft furnishings in St Hugh's Choir. We have also funded new cassocks for the girl and boy members of the cathedral choir, and for volunteer vergers. We commissioned a new set of purple copes for the Advent season. We have also provided funds to support live streaming of services and other events in both the Nave and St Hugh's choir. Our latest project has been to provide substantial funds towards the replacement of the heating system in St Hugh's Choir.

Regular areas of support have included bursaries for a Choral Scholar an Organ Scholar and an Apprentice Stonemason.  The Friends also provide endowments for a boy and a girl chorister.


There remains much to do and new members are always welcome.

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Friends Calendar








(in December)



1 Sign Up

To purchase this plan and use its benefits in the future, log in to your account or sign up.

2 Additional Info

3 Payment

Order summary

Life Membership£300.00
Duration: Until canceled

Secure Checkout
Friends Of Lincoln Cathedral Logo

Office Open Day:  

Wednesday from 09:30 am until 1:00 pm

Our telephone: 

01522 561648

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Friends of Lincoln Cathedral

Exchequergate House

18a Minster Yard, 


LN2 1PX ​

The Friends Of Lincoln Cathedral

Reg. Charity No. 500272

Website Design by www.Number 75

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